pArAnoIA runs on many platforms. It requires Python (3.x) and the following libraries:
python3-gi - Python 3 bindings for gobject-introspection libraries
python3-geoip - Python3 bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
python3-requests - elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings
libgirepository1.0-dev - Library for handling GObject introspection data (development files)
gir1.2-webkit-3.0 - Web content engine library for GTK+ - GObject introspection data
You can automatically get all required libraries using (as root):
sudo python
For manual installation, on Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run:
sudo apt-get install python3-gi python3-geoip python3-requests libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-webkit-3.0
On other systems such as: Kali, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, ParrotSec, Fedora, etc... also run:
pip3 install requests
pip3 install PyGObject
pip3 install pygeoip
To run pArAnoIA:
./ (or python3
- pArAnoIA is free software, and may be redistributed under GPL v3.
If you want to contribute to pArAnoIA development, reporting a bug,
providing a patch, commenting on the code base or simply need to find help
to run it, please drop me an e-mail.
To make donations use the following hashes:
- Bitcoin: 19aXfJtoYJUoXEZtjNwsah2JKN9CK5Pcjw
- ECOin: ETsRCBzaMawx3isvb5svX7tAukLdUFHKze